Our general body meetings are held the third Saturday of every month. Currently, those meetings happen virtually due to COVID-19 precautions. We encourage people who want to learn more and strategize around the work BLM Philly does to come to our general body meetings. Membership is based on attendance in these meetings along with a commitment to our guiding principles and committee engagement. The link in order to RSVP is below.
There are three tiers of involvement:
- Supporters/Potential Members
- Members/Committees
- Core Organizers
This chapter is committed to non-hierarchical leadership. We are committed to collective accountability and deliberation.

Want to Join our Listserve or Interested in becoming a member?
Please email us at blmphilly.crd@gmail.com.
All meetings require RSVP. Please fill out this form. Once you have filled it out and have attended a meeting you do not need to fill it out again to attend.
Want to support our work but Do not Identify as Black?
Our meetings are Black-identified space only. Please consider joining our Mobilizing Force for allies, and co-conspirators in the movement for Black lives.